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The Hague - NIBC

The Hague - NIBC

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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The Hague - Karnebeeklaan

The Hague - Karnebeeklaan

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Rijnsburg - Polderhuis

Rijnsburg - Polderhuis

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Paris - 3rd arrondissement

Paris - 3rd arrondissement

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Den Haag - Marathanakerk

Den Haag - Marathanakerk

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Amsterdam - NIBC

Amsterdam - NIBC

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Amsterdam - Oud Zuid

Amsterdam - Oud Zuid

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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The Hague - Willemspark

The Hague - Willemspark

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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Cape Town - Seapoint

Cape Town - Seapoint

Interior architecture | Lighting design | Project management

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The Hague - NIBC

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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The Hague - Karnebeeklaan

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Rijnsburg - Polderhuis

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Paris - 3rd arrondissement

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Den Haag - Marathanakerk

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Amsterdam - NIBC

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Amsterdam - Oud Zuid

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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The Hague - Willemspark

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.

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Cape Town - Seapoint

For more information or a quote, please contact me by e-mail.


KT71 Interior architecture and lighting design

Everyday comfort

About the vision
When you stay in one room for more than 10 minutes, you need comfort. Comfort gives people a sence of feeling home.
In my projects, people are the priority. Comfort is crafted through light and design, which brings out the lively spirit of the people in the room.


Kathalijne is a Dutch interior architect, lighting designer and photographer. She lives and works in Cape Town and Den Haag. Kathalijne graduated from the Utrecht University of the Arts and is an independent entrepreneur and founder of the companies KT71 and KT21.

KT71 founded in 2008, specializes in interior architecture and lighting design.

KT21 founded in 2021, focuses on photography and fine arts.

Register of Architects number 4.970901.005